Monday 25 March 2013

Light Stencil

My plan was to use a cardboard box light stencil of a cross in the studio, using an external flash as the light source. Constructing the light stencil was relatively simple, thanks to the guidance of online tutorials/videos. It takes four identical isosceles trapezoid shaped cardboard pieces, held together with black insulation tape. A cardboard square (with a rectangular slot cut out, for the external flash) was taped to the smaller end of the box. On the larger end, I would fix my stencil. I created it using Photoshop, a white outline of a cross on a black background. But it was on normal printer paper, and during my digital test shoot the light came through the black area, leaving a grey/green square around the cross.

F22, bulb setting, ISO200

To try and solve this problem, I covered the entire black portion of the stencil with the black insulation tape.

Now, my digital images turned out like this:

These images were taken using a Canon 1000D, on the bulb setting with an fstop of 22.

Following a positive outcome with my DSLR, I felt confident that my film version would work out well. The assignment asks for monochrome images, but my film camera (a Nikon F60 with standard kit lens) was loaded with a full roll of colour film, ISO200. Nevertheless, I went ahead and experimented with the light stencil and was rewarded with a few very clear and sharp images. And despite being shot on colour film, the images are monochrome.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Rob and Nick Carter

Eric Staller //

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Absence of religious celebration during typically (or originally) religious holidays. Faith does not as popular as it used to be, especially in newer/younger generations. With less people following religions, holiday traditions are forgotten.

Christmas time focuses on food, hosting parties, decorations and giving/receiving presents.
Shrove Tuesday is about making pancakes, whilst Easter is about rabbits, and chocolate eggs.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


By Baz Luhrmann

I find a lot of inspiration in film, with many scenes from movies standing out to me for one reason or another. Either its meaning, or because it's visually stunning and/or interesting.
When given the religious iconography as the subject of a shoot, my first thought was religious symbols within films, rather than movies with a religious theme. Baz Luhrmann's 1996 adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful piece. The final scene is easily considered the most famous - the death of Romeo and Juliet - stands out visually as much as it does because of the tragedy. I've always loved the neon crosses, and the way Juliet is laid out. You'd think she was an important figure in the church or country, a saint or martyr, even a sacrifice. The whole layout is very over the top. And the neon crosses are something you're more likely to find on the Las Vegas Strip, not in a church.

I took the neon crosses out of the context they're used during the film and considered them on their own, as in what they stand for. And in my opinion, it's a garish/gaudy way to show faith. And when likened to the likes of Las Vegas, it cheapens the image of religion - it makes it seem tacky. There's a lot of religious paraphernalia available that has the same effect.

It gave me an idea to try painting with light, using a stencil and cardboard box "funnel" to concentrate the light. I would use the studio and a black Colorama background so the only thing to stand out is the cross.


Thursday 21 February 2013